Leader Guide


Genesis tells us that when God created the world, He saw that it was good! He took pleasure in His creation, and He wants us to enjoy it, too.

What animals do you think are the funniest or the most amazing?

Here is something interesting to think about. Raise your hands if you think that people have discovered everything that God created on Earth.

Why or why not?

Where do you think some creatures may still be hiding?

I don’t think we will ever discover all the cool creatures God made, and the biggest hiding place is the ocean! The deepest part of the ocean is over 6 miles deep! Imagine the creatures God has placed there, and we don’t even know they exist! 

Now listen to this: In 2013, a new mammal species was discovered in Ecuador. It is the first new mammal to be discovered in 35 years in North or South America. Its name is the olinguito—“oh-lin-GHEE-toe”. The olinguito weighs about 2 pounds and is 2½ feet long. Yes, people are still discovering some awesome things that God created long ago!

Photograph of Bassaricyon neblina “Olinguito” taken in the wild at Tandayapa Bird Lodge, Ecuador.
Source Helgen K, Pinto C, Kays R, Helgen L, Tsuchiya M, Quinn A, Wilson D, Maldonado J (2013). "Taxonomic revision of the olingos (Bassaricyon), with description of a new species, the Olinguito". ZooKeys 324: 1--83. Pensoft Publishers. DOI:10.3897/zookeys.324.5827. Retrieved on 2013-08-15.