Leader Guide


  • Modeling dough or clay
  • Tables and tablecloths—plastic or disposable 
  • Piece of paper and pencil—one per group

We learned in Genesis that God is the master Creator. Can you imagine what it would be like to simply speak things into being—to be able to make something from nothing?

No one but God can do this. We can only make things out of the resources God has placed in the universe. 

God created the animals, but He allowed Adam to name all of them. Let’s have some fun today and use the creativity that God placed in us all. We are going to make our own creatures and, like Adam, name them, too! 

Divide the class into groups of two or three children. Large classes may require larger groups. Distribute the modeling dough to each group and give them a few minutes to make their creations. Each group must also name their creation and list on paper at least three unique characteristics about it, such as diet, abilities, habitat, etc. Allow each group to display their named creation to the class and read their list. 

Did you have fun with this?

You know, I believe God had fun creating all the different species of animals and giving them such unique characteristics. I think He also must have delighted in watching Adam name all of the animal kingdom. And He enjoys seeing you use your special creative gifts, too! 

Remember our challenge for the next two lessons: notice God’s wonderful work of creation, and also take time to praise Him for what He has done!