Leader Guide


  • Bibles or Superbook Bible App 
  • Poster board, chalkboard, or whiteboard
  • Washable markers or chalk

On the board, write out the SuperVerse in four sections plus the reference:

  1. “And I will cause hostility between you and the woman,”
  2. “And between your offspring and her offspring.”
  3. “He will strike your head,”
  4. “And you will strike His heel.”
  5. Genesis 3:15

SuperVerse—Genesis 3:15:

“And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike His heel.”

Have the children say the verse together. Note: Do not expect younger children to memorize the SuperVerse. Grades 1–3 may simply repeat it several times, while Grades 4–6 may memorize it. Be sure all children understand its meaning.

Let’s think about the words. What does “hostility” mean? 

To be hostile means to oppose something, to be unfriendly, or to be enemies. In this verse, God was speaking to the serpent in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve sinned against God.

Who knows what “offspring” means? 

It means children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and all the children who would be born in future generations. In the SuperVerse, “the woman” refers to Eve. God declares that Eve’s children and their descendants will be enemies of the serpent—Satan, the devil.

This verse is also a signpost pointing to Jesus! Even though sin spoiled God’s perfect world, God had a plan to fix it from the very beginning. This verse is a prophecy that Jesus would be victorious over the devil. How did that happen? 

Jesus’ hands and feet were nailed to the cross, but death couldn’t hold Him down. He rose from the grave and conquered sin and death forever! Just as the verse said, the devil would strike Jesus’ heel, but Jesus struck a crushing blow to the devil’s head and defeated him! 

Let’s practice some hand motions to help us remember our SuperVerse.Read each phrase on the board and demonstrate the hand motions, then repeat and have the children do it with you:

“And I will cause hostility between you and the woman,” Angry face, fists up as if to fight.

“And between your offspring and her offspring.” Rock a baby.

“He will strike your head,” Make a striking motion with an open hand near your head.

“And you will strike His heel.” Lift a foot and hit the heel.

Have the children repeat the verse with the motions until they can do it smoothly.

Now, let’s try something a little more difficult!

Erase or turn the board over. Choose a volunteer to silently do the hand motions, one at a time. After each hand motion, ask if anyone can say the phrase associated with that motion. Try this with a few different volunteers. Then say the SuperVerse together as you do the motions.