Leader Guide


  • Paper cut into 2" x 8.5" strips, two per child
  • Pencils, one for each child
  • Bible or Superbook Bible App

For our Prayer time today, we will be learning about “Pocket Prayers.” Let’s carry these prayer requests with us during the week as a reminder to pray for them.

Distribute a pencil and two strips of paper to each child.

Our SuperTruth today says that God has a plan to bring you and me back to Him. That plan is to trust in Jesus, His Son, as our Savior. God wants everyone to know and follow His plan. Jesus says in Luke 19:10:

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” 

This shows us God’s plan to bring us back to Him! He sent Jesus to Earth—born of the Virgin Mary—the Son of Man, but also God’s Son! This is what was prophesied or foretold in our SuperVerse; this is Mary’s child or offspring as our verse says. Jesus came to Earth so He could rescue people from sin and bring them back to God!

Today, we are going to write down the names of two people who need to know about God’s plan through Jesus. Give the children a minute to write down two prayer requests each, then fold the papers in half. Keep these names in a pocket, purse, or under your pillow. Don’t forget to pray for them. Let’s pray right now.

Dear Lord, please remind us to pray for the names written down on our slips of paper. You came to seek and save those who are lost. This is Your plan to return us to Yourself! It is Your desire that none remain lost and that all return to You, so they can live with You forever! Thank You that we can trust You to answer all these prayers because You love us. In Your name, Amen.