Leader Guide

Index Card Game

  • 3" x 5" index cards, two for each child
  • Pencils

Write “Mistake” on half of the cards and “Consequence” on the other cards.

Now we are going to play a game about consequences—with a twist. 

Have the children sit in a circle and give each child a pencil and two cards: one that says “Mistake” and one that says “Consequence.” Each child needs to think of a mistake someone could make and write it on the appropriate card, then think of a consequence for that situation and write it on the other card. Do not use an example from the story. 

Here's an example:

Mistake: I let the dog in the kitchen with muddy paws.

Consequence: I need to wash the kitchen floor.

Assist individual children with ideas if necessary. When everyone has completed both cards, carefully explain: 

First, pass your “Mistake” card to the person on your left.

Next, pass your “Consequence” card to the person on your right.

Now, you should each have a new set of “Mistake” and “Consequence” cards that don’t match! Let’s go around the circle and read them out loud! 

The results should be quite funny. Finally, take turns matching the correct consequence to each mistake and discussing the best ways to handle each situation.

That was a fun game mixing up the mistakes and consequences! But, let’s not forget how serious the consequences of sin are. Repeat after me as loud as you can: Sin separates me from God. Sin separates me from God.

Now, say our SuperTruth even louder: “God has a plan to bring me back to Him.”