Leader Guide

Object Lesson: Toothpaste

  • Three trial-size tubes of toothpaste
  • Two paper plates
  • Two plastic spoons
  • Wet wipes or paper towels
  • Bible or Superbook Bible App

Choose two children for this demonstration and have them stand at a table so the class can see. Give each of them a trial-size tube of toothpaste and a paper plate. 

When I say “Go,” race to see who can squeeze all the toothpaste out of the tube first. Get ready! Get set! Go! 

Afterward, declare a winner. Then give each of the two children a plastic spoon. 

This time, when I say “Go,” race to see who can put all the toothpaste back into the tube first. Get ready! Get set! Go! Allow time for them to try.

That’s a lot harder, isn’t it? In fact, would you say it’s impossible? 

This is a lot like sin, isn’t it? We can sin very quickly—without giving it much thought at all. But sometimes it’s impossible to undo the mess we make! Give children wet wipes or towels to clean their hands.

God created Adam and Eve to live forever in a perfect world. What were the consequences when they sinned? They had to leave the Garden of Eden, and they would eventually die.

Yes, just like Adam and Eve, we all have sinned. So, what can we do to go back to a right relationship with God and return to Him, if we all have sinned? Is it impossible, like we found when we tried to put the toothpaste back in the tube?

Yes, on our own it is impossible. But, God has a plan to bring us back to Him! Hold up the full toothpaste tube as you read John 3:16: 

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

That is God’s plan to bring us back to Him! When we believe in Jesus, we can live with God forever! Let’s take a moment and thank Him!

Pray: Dear God, thank You for creating a plan for us to come back to You! Thank You for sending Your only Son to Earth to die on the cross, so our sins can be forgiven and we can have a relationship with You! We admit that we have sinned and we ask You now to forgive us and wash us clean from our sins. Help us to follow Your ways! In Jesus’ name, Amen.