Leader Guide


  • String or painters tape

Using the string or tape, place long lines on the floor—about one line for every ten children. 

Before we play our game, let’s answer the bonus question from Large Group. According to Elijah’s instructions, how many times were the helpers supposed to pour four large jars of water over the altar? Three times.

Have you ever been told to make up your mind?

This means to make a decision and stick with it—stop going back and forth!

That’s what Elijah was telling the people in 1 Kings 18:21:

Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, “How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!” But the people were completely silent.

Elijah called the people to choose God or the idol, Baal! How did they answer? They were silent.

Let’s not be silent today. Let’s shout our SuperTruth! “I will not trust the idols of this world!”

We all just made a choice, didn’t we? We made a firm decision to trust God!

Divide the class into teams of up to 10 children each. Teams do not need to be even. If the class is small, have the class play as one team. Have the teams line up single file, straddling their line with one foot on either side of the line, facing the leader. Leave as much room as possible between the children. 

The leader shouts a command and ends each one by saying either “to the right” or “to the left.” Children immediately jump to the correct side—or stay on the same side—and do the command. If any children jump to or stay on the wrong side, they must sit out of the game for two commands before returning. Alternate game options are listed below. Have another leader control when children may return to the game.

Gameplay options:

  • For younger children or those with special needs, play just for fun—no one is removed from the game when an error is made.
  • Eliminate players from the game as they err. The last child standing wins. 
  • For older children, play several rounds, then divide each team in half and have them face each other. Game play is the same but the difficulty level increases as children see those facing them move in the opposite direction!   

Use the commands below or add your own instructions. You may repeat the same command twice in a row to try to trick the players.

  • Clap your hands as fast as you can—to the right.
  • Sit on the floor—to the left.
  • Stand up—to the right.
  • Jump up and down three times—to the right.
  • Do five jumping jacks—to the left. 
  • Shout the SuperTruth—to the right.
  • Hop on one foot—to the right.
  • Wave hello—with both feet on the line.
  • Touch your toes—to the left.
  • Hum a tune—to the right.
  • Pat your back with both hands—with both feet on the line.
  • Shout, “Trust God!”—to the left. 
  • Spin around two times—to the right.
  • Touch your toes—to the left.
  • Reach for the sky—to the right.

Conclusion: What was the most difficult part of the game?  

Did you ever just copy what other people did?

Why is that not a good idea? People can make wrong choices; we must make your own choice and not follow the crowd.

Sometimes people move back and forth between trusting God and trusting the things of this world. This is not what God wants. We need to choose to trust and serve God all the time!