Leader Guide

Balloon Game

  • Four sheets of card stock: if the floor is slippery, you may use painters tape instead
  • Balloon plus extras in case of breakage
  • Timer—clock/watch with second hand, stopwatch, timer app 

Mark a starting line near one end of the room.

Place a sheet of card stock at 2-foot intervals from the mark. See drawing.

Make another starting mark 2 feet after the last piece of card stock. 

Inflate a balloon and tie it closed.

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. 1 John 5:21:

Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.

The game we are going to play today is about staying away from things that could become idols to us. We are going to play for the fastest time to complete this course as a group. We need to keep away from each rectangle on the floor because they represent things that could become idols to us.

Divide the children into two groups, although the class will play as one team. Have each group stand behind the marks at either end. Give a balloon to the first child at one end. Start the time. The player walks forward while batting the balloon in the air and jumping or stepping over the rectangles. If a child catches the balloon, lets it touch the floor, or steps on a rectangle, he or she must start over. The first player at the opposite end repeats this to move to the other end. Play goes back and forth until all players have taken a turn. Stop the time and record it. Play another round to try and beat the previous time.

Conclusion: What was the most challenging part of this game?

It takes effort and determination to live our lives each day and stay away from things that could take God’s place in our hearts! The best thing we can do is pray each day and ask the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love and power!