Leader Guide


  • Two small buckets or containers of the same size   
  • Three pieces of paper
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Marker or chalk
  • Sixth grade helper or volunteer to keep score

Make a mark near one end of the room.

Make another mark about 8–10 feet from the first mark, adjust as necessary.  

Tear the sheets of paper in half and crumple each of the six halves into a ball.

In the Bible story video, what are some ways that Elijah trusted in God even when he faced an angry king and was totally outnumbered by the false prophets? He boldly took a stand for the one true God, even though people wanted to kill him; he challenged the false prophets to a showdown; he had people pour water over the altar, even though that would make it harder for a fire to light; etc.

Elijah displayed faith in God alone, and God showed Himself strong on his behalf!

Can anyone say our SuperTruth from memory? “I will trust God with all my heart.”

Elijah gave the Baal prophets a challenge to prove that the Lord is the only true God. Today, we are going to have a review challenge to see how much we can remember about the story of Elijah!

Divide the class into two equal teams. Have each team form a single-file line behind the first mark. Select a volunteer from each team to hold a bucket behind the other mark for their team; they will have a chance to throw and answer at the end of the game.

Do you remember in the video when Elijah prayed for God to send rain to end the drought?

Today, you are going to have a chance to “send” rain in the form of very large “raindrops” to a teammate to catch in a bucket. The catchers must stay behind the mark, so you need to throw the raindrop far enough to reach them! If the bucket holder steps over the mark to catch a raindrop, the raindrop is removed and no point is scored. For each raindrop that is caught in a bucket behind the line, the team scores one point. As a bonus, if all three raindrops are caught in the bucket, the team scores a total of five points! 

I will then ask a review question about the Bible story to both throwers. The first player to raise a hand will get a chance to answer the question. You must wait until I finish the question completely before you raise your hand. If you raise your hand too early, the other player may answer the question. If the answer is correct, that team scores five points. If the answer is incorrect, the other player may answer.

At the end of the turn, the bucket holders go to the back of the line, and players who have already thrown the raindrops now hold the buckets. Continue in this fashion until all players have a turn to catch and throw. When the players who held the buckets first take their turn throwing and answering, the game ends. The team with the highest score wins.

Review Questions:

  1. Today’s SuperTruth says I will trust God with what?  All my heart.
  2. Our SuperVerse says that when we are loyal to Him, He will show Himself _____.  Strong.
  3. According to our SuperVerse, God can see half of the world at one time; true or false?  False—He sees the whole Earth.
  4. What was the name of the wicked king who Elijah challenged?  King Ahab.
  5. What was the name of King Ahab’s wife?  Jezebel.
  6. True or false: Queen Jezebel agreed with Elijah and wanted the Israelites to worship the one true God.  False—she wanted everyone to worship Baal.
  7. Elijah told King Ahab that there would not be any _____ for the next few years until Elijah gave the word.  Rain or dew.
  8. King Ahab called Elijah: a friend, a man of God, or a troublemaker. Troublemaker.
  9. True or false; Elijah told King Ahab to call the people of Israel and the prophets of Baal to join him at Mount Carmel.  True.
  10. Elijah told the Israelites to quit wavering between two opinions. What choice did he call them to make?  Decide if they would follow God or Baal; or, decide which one was God.
  11. When Elijah first asked the Israelites to decide who they would follow, what was their response?  They were silent.
  12. Elijah told the prophets of Baal that the god who answered by ____ would be the one true God.  Fire.
  13. True or false: Elijah flipped a coin to decide who would go first in the challenge.  False—Elijah told them to go first.
  14. What kind of animal was placed on the altar?  A bull.
  15. True or false: The prophets of Baal prayed silently to the statue for a few minutes and then gave up.  False—they danced and shouted from morning until evening.
  16. Why didn’t Baal respond?  Baal was not real, it was a false god, a manmade idol.
  17. When Elijah took his turn in the challenge, what did he rebuild?  God’s altar.
  18. True or false; Elijah used twelve stones to rebuild God’s altar. Each stone represented a month of the year, January through December.  False—each stone represented one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
  19. What did Elijah dig around the altar?  A trench.
  20. True or False; Elijah filled the trench with olive oil. False—with water.
  21. What came down from heaven immediately when Elijah prayed? God sent fire.
  22. What was Israel’s response to God sending fire?  They fell down to the ground and cried out that the Lord is God—they worshiped Him as the one true God.
  23. After the challenge, what did Elijah pray for?  Rain.

Conclusion: Great job! Now, let’s learn more about how events in Elijah’s life were Signposts to Jesus.