Leader Guide


  • Temple Blueprint
  • Two tables
  • Jenga-style blocks, small wood blocks, or dominoes; thirty blocks per team
  • A container to carry the blocks
  • Optional: painters tape or masking tape
  • Two leaders or volunteers
  • For larger classes, add more blocks and tables

Make two copies of the Temple Blueprint.

Place the two tables near one end of the room.

Place a Temple Blueprint on each table.

Make a starting line or mark about 20 feet from the tables.

Make a second line or mark midway between the tables and the starting mark.

Empty the container of blocks on the floor and count out two sets of 30 blocks. Place the sets in two separate piles on the floor at the middle line or mark. 

Chris designed a robot that Team Quantum built according to his plan. Solomon built the Temple according to God’s building plan and specifications. He may not have understood why God chose certain designs and materials, yet he chose to obey and not take any shortcuts!

Stand at the block pile and hold up a blueprint. 

Today, when architects design buildings, they create something called blueprints for the construction workers to follow. In this activity, you will work in pairs to build a temple according to a blueprint. This is the quarry with all of the building blocks. When it’s your turn, take the blocks from your team’s storage pile to your table to build a temple. You may need to make more than one trip! Then follow the blueprint carefully to build your structure.

Divide the children into two even teams. One child may need to play twice.

The children on each team will work in pairs. Try to pair children with someone they don’t know well, and put older children with younger ones.

Have the teams make two separate lines behind the mark.

Say “Go”; the first pair of workers for each team will walk quickly to a pile and carry all 30 blocks to their team’s table. Then, the workers will construct a building according to the plan.

When a pair finishes, a leader will verify that the building is built according to the blueprint or identify what needs to be corrected. Once the building is accepted, that pair carries the 30 blocks back to the middle position on the floor, returns to the team line, and the next pair of workers takes their turn. Continue this way until all the pairs of workers for a team have successfully built a temple. That team is the winner. Play another round if time allows.

Conclusion: Like Solomon, we must obey God and trust that He always does what is best, according to His purpose.