Leader Guide

Action Game

  • Ten balloons plus extras for breakage
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard, marker or chalk
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Bell or buzzer to sound when time is up

Blow up the balloons and tie them closed.

As followers of Christ, our goal is to be more like Him in the way we think and act. Several years ago, a popular item for Christians to wear was a WWJD bracelet. Does anyone know what the letters stand for? What Would Jesus Do?

The purpose was for us to consider how Jesus would think or act in situations.

Read Romans 12:2:

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

The key is to allow God to change or transform our thoughts to His thoughts. When our thoughts change, our actions should follow. In this game, you will play as teams. Each team will come up with their own name based on God’s thoughts or ways. For instance; People of Patience, Joy Team, Goodness Group, Kids of Kindness, Mercy Mob, etc. I will write the team names on the board. Each balloon represents a thought; it can be a higher “God thought” or a lower “worldly thought.” When the balloon is not touching the floor—it is a higher thought of God. When a balloon is on the ground it is a lower worldly thought. The goal for each team is to have as many “God thoughts” as possible before time runs out.

  • Divide the children into teams of two or three depending on the size of the class. Teams should be equal in size. If necessary, form a team or teams of two 5th or 6th graders to provide more of a challenge and even teams out.
  • Give teams a minute to decide on their names. Write the names on the board.
  • Place the ten balloons in the center of the room.
  • Start the clock and randomly vary the time for each round, from 10–20 seconds. Don’t announce the time you choose for each round so teams can’t strategize to throw the balloons in the air just before time expires. When time is up, sound the buzzer or bell so children know they must stop instantly.
  • Each team on their turn will try to keep as many balloons in the air as possible by batting or hitting the balloon with any part of their body. The only thing that is illegal is holding a balloon or trapping balloons against a body part. No point is scored for any balloon illegally kept off the floor.
  • Players will attempt to keep as many balloons airborne as possible as time runs out. All players will help to count how many balloons were in the air when time expires.
  • Teams receive one point for each balloon that was in the air.
  • Record the points and another team takes a turn. Play as many rounds as time permits; tally the points and the team with the most points wins.

Conclusion: That looked like a fun challenge. As followers of Christ, our goal is to become more like Him; that means to allow the Holy Spirit of God to fill us with His thoughts to replace our thoughts.