Leader Guide


Make copies of the maze, one per child plus extras.

Give each child a copy of the Solomon Becomes King Maze and a pencil. Have children write their names at the bottom. Tell the brief story of Solomon’s anointing using the discussion points below as the children complete the activity. 

  • King David found out that his oldest son Adonijah had made himself king. David vowed to God that Solomon would be king.
  • David ordered his officials to take Solomon to Gihon Spring to become king.
  • David told Solomon to ride the king’s own mule. A mule was the proper animal for a king to ride on at that time. For Solomon to ride King David’s mule signified that he was laying claim to the throne and that he would sit on the throne after David died.*
  • The prophet and priest anointed Solomon at Gihon Spring. As they returned to Jerusalem, they sounded the ram’s horns and the people shouted: “Long live King Solomon!” They jumped for joy and shouted so loud that the ground shook!
  • At the same time, Adonijah and his guests were finishing their banquet celebrating Adonijah’s claim to be king.
  • Adonijah found out that Solomon had been declared king and was sitting on the throne. Adonijah and his followers panicked and fled in fear.

Conclusion: Take your maze home and talk with your family about how God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours. Adonijah tried to place himself above God’s plan. He was defeated and Solomon became king. God’s plans will prevail!

* Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary page 350; The IVP Bible Background Commentary page 356.