Leader Guide

Buffing Game

  • Buffer Pattern
  • Game Pieces Pattern
  • Cardstock
  • Paper
  • Solid, average-strength craft magnets, about 1" wide; one per child plus extras
  • Metal paperclips; 6 per child plus extras
  • Children’s scissors
  • Child-safe glue that dries quickly
  • Stapler
  • Pencils

Print the Buffer Pattern on cardstock; one per child plus extras.

Print the Game Pieces Pattern on regular paper; one set per child plus extras. (Cardstock may be used for the game pieces if the magnets are strong enough.)

Optional: to save time in class, you may make the crafts ahead of time—one for every 2 or 3 children.

At the beginning of our video today, what tool was Gizmo using to get everything ready for the professor’s big exhibit? A buffer.

A buffer cleans and shines things so they gleam and look new, with no dirt or fingerprints! After the Mag-Sys disappeared, what did Gizmo do when Chris asked him to check for fingerprints? Gizmo found some fingerprints and polished them all off!

Today, we are going to use buffers to get rid of bad things, but we’ll leave the good things in place. Just as Solomon used wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong, we will decide what is right and what is wrong.

If you are not making the crafts ahead of time, pass out all the materials to the children and give these instructions.

To make your Buffer:

First, carefully cut out both pieces of the Buffer Pattern.

Write your name on the back of the buffer circle.

Staple the handle—Piece B—to the buffer circle where shown on the pattern.

Glue a craft magnet to the bottom-center of your buffer and allow it to dry.

While the glue on the buffer is drying, carefully cut out all the game pieces, then clip a small metal paper clip to each one.

To play the game:

Now, shuffle the game pieces and then place them in random order on the table in front of you.

Carefully, slide your hand in between the buffer circle and the handle, with your palm on the buffer circle and the handle over the back of your hand.

Gently wave the buffer over your game pieces, picking up all of the “bad” game pieces and leaving only the “good” game pieces on the table.

Use wisdom to decide which pieces are good or bad!