Leader Guide

Video Leader Guide

Welcome (1 minute)

Hello, everyone and welcome back! Today is the second lesson of our Superbook adventure titled “King Solomon.” Have you ever needed wisdom to make a very important decision?

Solomon was the third king of Israel and he relied on God’s wisdom to help him lead God’s people. Today, we will learn about how we can ask for wisdom from God, too. Let’s stand and worship Jesus, who fills us with His love, power and wisdom every day! Let’s sing “Trust and Obey.”

Play Video: (Song) Trust and Obey (2.5 minutes)

Be sure to preview the song so you can sing along with the children.

Trust and Obey

SuperTruth and Discussion (2 minutes)

Last time, we learned that true wisdom comes from the internet, right? No, true wisdom comes from God.

What did Chris learn from King Solomon about how to get wisdom? You can ask God and He will give you the wisdom you need.

That’s why our SuperTruth for today is: “I will ask God for wisdom.” Let’s say it together. “I will ask God for wisdom.”

God doesn’t make it difficult to receive His wisdom. He simply wants us to come to Him and ask for it! Our Heavenly Father gives good things to His children, and He will not criticize us for asking Him what to do.

Introduce Condensed Bible Story (1 minute)

If all children watched the Bible story video in the previous lesson, you may skip it here and go straight to the Bible Background Video.

If you were here last time, what happened to Gizmo when the museum was struck by lightning? His circuits were damaged and he became a giant electromagnet; metal objects stuck to him.

What disappeared while the lights were out? Professor Quantum’s important electronic invention, the Mag-Sys.

Chris needed wisdom to discover who took the Mag-Sys. That’s when Superbook took Chris, Joy and Gizmo back to meet King Solomon in Israel, one of the wisest people who ever lived! For those who haven’t seen our Superbook video yet, we are going to watch a short version of “King Solomon.” If you have already seen it, notice the items that stick to Gizmo.

Play Video 4: Condensed Bible Story (9.5 minutes)

Condensed Bible Story

Travel back to ancient Israel as Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to meet King Solomon. Witness the suspense as he is faced with a baffling dilemma—and the surprising way he uncovers the truth. The children discover that true wisdom comes from God.

Discussion (2 minutes)

Were you surprised that Solomon asked for wisdom? Why or why not?

King Solomon had to make an important decision about a very complicated situation. What did he have to decide? Two women each claimed to be the mother of the same baby. With no evidence, Solomon had to decide which woman was the true mother of the baby.

Yes, this was not a decision that could be made without God’s wisdom. God gave Solomon the wisdom he needed at just the right time!

Introduce Bible Background Video (1 minute)

In the Bible Background video, we’ll learn more about Solomon and how God blessed him with what he did—and didn’t—ask for! We’ll also explore what he accomplished as Israel’s third king. When Gizmo asks a question, wait for him to give some possible answers, then call out the one you think is right!

Play Video 5: Bible Background (8 minutes)

Bible Background

Play Video 10B: SuperVerse Graphic 2

Graphic loops 2.5 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat the verse.

SuperVerse Graphic 2

“I will ask God for wisdom.”

SuperVerse Discussion (1 minute)

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. 1 Kings 3:12:

“I will give you what you asked for! I will give you a wise and understanding heart!”

Who was speaking to Solomon in this verse? God was speaking to Solomon in a dream.

In the video we just watched, we learned that the word “wisdom” can be translated as “a discerning heart” or “a hearing heart.” Because God answered Solomon’s prayer, he was able to hear God’s wisdom and make wise decisions about the kingdom of Israel.

Children will have more time to learn the SuperVerse in Small Group. If younger children are not able to memorize the entire verse, be sure they understand its meaning.

Prayer and Send-Off (1 minute)

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, when Solomon asked for wisdom, You gave him more than what he asked. Thank You for providing a way for us to receive wisdom whenever we need it. Help us remember to seek You first for true wisdom whenever we face important decisions in our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

In Small Group, you will play a fast and fun relay game to fill up with God’s wisdom! Let’s go get the “scoop” on how to play!

Teachers take children to Small Group classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time.

Even though the titleis “King Solomon,”you don’t need to refer to him as such in every reference.