Leader Guide


  • God’s Wisdom Sign
  • Table
  • Tape
  • Two plastic 4-ounce measuring cups for classes with 6 or more children; or two plastic 8-ounce measuring cups for smaller classes
  • Two identical team containers—half-gallon size plastic pitchers or similar-sized boxes, pans, or kitchen storage containers
  • Dried peas, uncooked rice, un-popped popcorn, or pea gravel—enough to fill the two team containers, plus plenty of extra
  • One large “wisdom container” that holds a gallon plus extra of the dry material, with sides high enough to prevent spills
  • Broom and dustpan for cleanup

Make two copies of the God’s Wisdom sign in color or black and white.

Fill the “wisdom container” with two gallons plus extra of the dried peas, uncooked rice, un-popped popcorn, or pea gravel. Make sure there’s more than enough material so that it can be used to fill both team containers, and still have some left over.

Place the table in the middle of the room and the “wisdom container” in the middle of the table.

Tape a God’s Wisdom sign on opposite sides of the wisdom container or table.

Place one team container on the floor about 15–20 feet from the table.

Place the other team container on the floor about 15–20 feet from the table in the opposite direction. See illustration for game set-up.

Optional: to minimize cleanup, you may choose to play this game outdoors.

In Large Group, you were asked to watch for items that stuck to Gizmo when he became magnetized. What items did you see? Spears, swords, shield, bowls, other metal objects.

Yes, Gizmo finds himself in some funny situations in each adventure, doesn’t he! If you were here last time, can you name some ways we can receive God’s wisdom? From God’s Word in the Bible; through prayer; through a trusted parent, teacher, or leader, who follows Christ; from the Holy Spirit in our hearts, who helps us understand and apply wisdom.

God is the source of true wisdom, and He promises to give it to us when we ask! Let’s say our SuperVerse together. 1 Kings 3:12:

“I will give you what you asked for! I will give you a wise and understanding heart!”

Point to the items as you talk. In this game, players will take a plastic measuring cup to the table to get wisdom. The container represents different ways we can receive wisdom from God, such as through prayer or the Bible. You want to get wisdom as quickly as you can! One by one, a player from each team will walk to the table, fill the cup, walk back, and pour it into the team’s container. Then, hand the cup to the next player in line to take a turn. The first team to fill up their container with wisdom wins!

Divide the children into two teams; they do not have to be equal.

Have teams form a line by their containers on opposite sides of the table.

Give a measuring cup to the first player on each team.

Start the game!

Conclusion: There is no limit to the wisdom God will give to us. In fact, it is wise to go to God as quickly as possible and as often as we can to get His wisdom! We need His wisdom to face challenges in our lives, to grow strong in the Lord, and to become more like Jesus. The Bible tells us that God loves to pour out His wisdom upon us when we ask!