Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk; multiple colors of markers or chalk are ideal    
  • Eraser
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app

We have learned a lot about Solomon and wisdom, haven’t we! Who can tell me something about wisdom? True wisdom comes from God; God grants wisdom, we can ask for wisdom, we all need wisdom. 

Good! Who can tell me something about Solomon? He was a king, his father was King David, he was the third king of Israel, he was one of the wisest and wealthiest men on the earth, he asked God for wisdom, he figured out how to tell which woman was the true mother of the baby. 

You are good learners! In this game, we will play as one large group. When it’s your turn, I will whisper something from our video about King Solomon. You can choose to draw it or act it out for the class while they guess what it is—but you cannot say a word! If they can’t guess in 30 seconds, I will choose another player who wants to draw or act it out. If it still isn’t guessed correctly, I will reveal it. Let’s play!   

A different player draws or acts each time.

Whisper the item or event to the player and allow a few seconds to for the player to think before you start the time. Players have 30 seconds to draw or act out their item or person.

Try to give more difficult items from the list to older players.

If time permits: after each answer is revealed, discuss how it ties in with the story.      

Word List

  1. Chariot
  2. Camel
  3. Jerusalem
  4. Oil lamp
  5. King David dying in bed
  6. King Solomon
  7. Plate of figs 
  8. Baby
  9. Two mothers arguing
  10. Soldier
  11. Sword
  12. Solomon’s palace
  13. Altar
  14. Crown
  15. Solomon’s dream
  16. Throne
  17. Scroll
  18. Wisdom
  19. God
  20. Child
  21. Riches or wealth
  22. Heart
  23. Follow
  24. Fame   

Conclusion: You did a good job with some difficult things. Did you like to draw, act or guess the most? The story of Solomon teaches us about God’s desire to give us wisdom so we can live our lives for Him and experience success!