Leader Guide


  • Modeling clay: regular, self-hardening, or non-hardening
  • Toothpicks or sharpened pencils
  • Quart-size, sealable sandwich bags, one per child
  • Hand wipes or paper towels for children to clean hands afterward
  • Tables and chairs
  • Bible or Superbook Bible App

Build a sample craft to display in class.

Let’s say the SuperTruth together a little differently. The girls will say the first word and the boys say the second word, going back and forth until it is completed. Are you ready? Go! I will build my life on God’s Word.

Now it’s time to be creative and have some fun as you build your life on God’s Word!

Have everyone sit at a table.

Display the model craft.

Give each child some clay; at least two colors if possible.

Place the pencils or toothpicks in the center of the table to be shared.

First, have children form the shape of a Bible, which will serve as a strong base for their sculpture.

Have them carve “Bible” into the surface near the bottom as shown in the illustration.

They should carve their name or initials at the top, leaving room in the center for their sculpture.

They form clay figures to represent themselves, then place their figures on top of the “Bibles.”

Assist any children with special needs.

Allow children to show their craftsto the class.

Carefully place each craft in a sealable plastic bag for the children to take home after class.

Conclusion:Good job everyone. We want to build our lives on God’s Word! When we follow God’s wisdom, we will grow wise, strong and secure! Your craft can be a reminder to listen to Jesus’ Words and to follow them!