Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Disposable drinking cup
  • Spoon
  • Dish soap
  • Water
  • Clear container, such as a pitcher, tall measuring cup, or deep bowl
  • Red glitter or other dark color glitter
  • Small towel for spills
  • Table
  • Permanent marker
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Bibles or Superbook Bible App

With the marker, write “KIND WORDS” on the outside of the disposable cup.

Fill the cup about half full of water.

Fill the tall, clear container about ¾ full of water.

Put about 1/8 cup glitter on the water in the tall, clear container.

Put about ¼ teaspoon of dish soap on top of the glitter and gently stir until the glitter falls to the bottom of the container. If most of the glitter doesn’t sink, add a little more dish soap. It is okay for a few pieces of glitter to remain on the surface.

Place the cup, bowl and towel on the tray, and put it on the table.

Write on the board: Proverbs 15:1 (cev):

A kind answer soothes angry feelings, but harsh words stir them up.

Practice the demonstration ahead of time so you can present it smoothly.

Put the tray with the cup, bowl and towel on a table and stand behind it as you speak. We are discussing anger today, and how to deal with it.

Let’s read Proverbs 15:1 from the board together:

A kind answer soothes angry feelings, but harsh words stir them up.

When we speak harsh words, we can make a stressful situation worse! Begin to stir the water; the glitter will begin to rise and fill the liquid.

The red glitter represents angry feelings. When we speak harsh words, we stir up these feelings. Harsh words can agitate a situation and make it worse.

Continue stirring with one hand; with your other hand, hold up the cup so children can see “Kind Words” written on it. This cup represents kind words that we can speak when angry feelings are present.

Stop stirring and pour some water from the cup into the container. Watch what happens when we speak kind words instead of harsh words. They can have a calming or soothing effect on angry feelings. Pause to let the glitter settle to the bottom of the container.

The Holy Spirit produces the fruit of kindness in us. When we choose to speak kind words instead of harsh words, we can help bring peace to an angry situation. If we will take the time to pray and ask for God’s help, the Holy Spirit will show us what to do and say. God can move through our words and actions to bring harmony and peace!

Conclusion: When we are angry and upset, and if someone mistreats us or insults us, it’s very easy to fire back at someone with harsh words and an angry tone. Will this bring peace?

No, this only makes things worse and stirs up angry feelings. When we are led by the Holy Spirit, we can choose kind and gentle words that can help bring harmony and peace.