Leader Guide


  • David and Saul Coloring Page
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers

Make one copy of the coloring page for each child plus extras.

Can someone say our SuperTruth with your eyes closed? “I will choose love over revenge.”

Okay! Now, who remembers our SuperVerse? Leviticus 19:18:

“Stop being angry and don’t try to take revenge. I am the Lord, and I command you to love others as much as you love yourself.”

David chose love over revenge. Where could David have taken revenge on Saul? In the cave.

Give children a coloring page and crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers. Have them color their pages as you lead a discussion with the questions below.

  • How does the SuperVerse tell us to love others? As ourselves.
  • Is that always easy? What makes it difficult sometimes? If someone doesn’t treat us with kindness or respect, when they are mean or unfriendly, especially our enemies.
  • Can you describe what is happening in this scene? David is talking to Saul after he left the cave. David is showing Saul the corner of his robe that he cut off instead of harming Saul.
  • If you were one of David’s soldiers, how would you feel when David let Saul leave the cave unharmed? Shock, disbelief, frustration, anger, confusion, and disappointment.
  • What do you think Saul thought when he realized David could have killed him? Fear, surprise, relief, embarrassment, guilt, maybe depressed because of his actions and what kind of man he had become.
  • Have you ever chosen to love and forgive instead of getting back at someone? Please explain.
  • How can we show others love even if they have hurt us? Ask God to help you love and forgive them. The Holy Spirit produces love in us.