Leader Guide


  • Be an Example Card Sheet
  • Cardstock—two sheets
  • Fourteen plastic or disposable cups
  • Scissors
  • Two 5th or 6th grade helpers
  • Optional: two tables

Make two copies of the Be an Example Card Sheet on cardstock.

Cut apart the cards, keeping the sets separate in two stacks.

If using tables, place them near one end of the room.

Place a set of cards and cups at the other end of the room. Use one stack of cards and seven cups—inside each other—for each team.

In the video, Joy asked Chris if Samuel was the one Superbook wanted them to meet. What did Chris answer? Chris said no because Superbook said it would be someone called by God and Samuel was just a kid.

Chris thought Samuel was too young to be called by God. Yet the SuperVerse tells us that we shouldn’t let anyone look down on us because we are young! Samuel is a great example of how we can serve God no matter how young or small we are.

Read 1 Samuel 2:26:

Meanwhile, the boy Samuel grew taller and grew in favor with the Lord and with the people.

Samuel grew physically and spiritually; he was liked by people and pleasing to God.

Hold up the cards and read them. These cards represent the characteristics described in the SuperVerse and SuperTruth. Samuel modeled these characteristics as he grew up and served the Lord. Now, each team is going to make a tower to represent Samuel as he grew up to be a strong and godly example that others could follow. The tower will grow taller, just like Samuel grew as he faithfully served the Lord. The first team to build the tower wins.

Divide the class into Team 1 and Team 2. The teams line up next to the cups and cards.

Choose a 5th or 6th grader to help each team by standing at the opposite end. Their job is to assist the players as necessary to build the tower. If the tower falls over at any point in the game—the helper should rebuild it as many times as necessary! The helper represents Eli who trained and helped Samuel as he grew up to serve the Lord.

The first player on each team will take a cup to the other end to start the tower.

The second player takes a card to stack on the cup. Players alternate between cups and cards until the tower is completed, ending with a cup.

The first team that completes their tower wins.

Option: to add to the challenge, give instructions for how each player needs to travel to the other end and come back: skipping, hopping on one foot, shuffling, sideways, backwards, tiptoes, etc.

Conclusion: Samuel faithfully served in the Tabernacle. He was a godly example to others as he grew. Let’s learn more about Samuel and how we can serve the Lord today!