Leader Guide


Have the children sit down. Where did Samuel serve Eli? In the Tabernacle.

Read 1 Samuel 2:18:

But Samuel, though he was only a boy, served the Lord. He wore a linen garment like that of a priest.

As we discussed in Large Group, you may have thought you were too little or too young to serve God. Samuel was a young boy, yet he performed important duties as he served the Lord and Eli, the high priest. There are many examples in the Bible about young boys and girls who served God and did big things for Him. One boy named Josiah became king of Judah when he was only 8 years old! Now that you know you can serve God today by being an example to others, let’s seek God in prayer and ask Him to help you in what you say and how you live. Are there areas of your life that need to be cleansed? Do your words and actions show God’s love and mercy? Can your faith be strengthened in some areas? Maybe today you still have some doubts about following Jesus. God is waiting for you to share these things with Him so He can help you. The Holy Spirit lives in all believers to help us live a powerful, victorious life that brings glory to God!

Today, let’s sit silently before God for a few moments.

First, silently tell God about any weaknesses, doubts or fears; then ask Him to cleanse them from your heart. Allow time for children to think and pray.

Next, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything that may keep you from a closer walk with God. Allow time for silent prayer.

Now, ask God to help you to be an example that others can follow to serve Him! Allow time for prayer.

Close in Prayer: Dear God, thank You for how Your Holy Spirit reveals deep things in our hearts—things we may not even know are there. Remove anything that is not pleasing to You and that may hurt our example to others. We want to serve You today and forever! In Jesus’ name, Amen!