Leader Guide

Rhythm Game

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Have the children sit in a circle. Our SuperTruth today says we can serve God in about a year, right? No.

No! What is the correct SuperTruth? I can serve God today.

Yes; I can serve God today.

Read Hebrews 6:10:

For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for Him and how you have shown your love to Him by caring for other believers, as you still do.

God sees when we serve Him and when we serve others. In fact, one of the ways we can serve God is by serving other people. We show our love to Him by caring for others. What is one way that we saw young Samuel serve in the video? Serving Eli, bringing a drink to Eli in meetings, sweeping the floor, caring for the sheep, listening to and being a companion to Eli, doing various tasks in the Tabernacle like keeping the candles lit.

What are some ways we can serve God by serving people at home, school, church, or in the neighborhood?

Begin a rhythmic pattern: SLAP your knees twice, CLAP your hands twice, SNAP your fingers twice, and have the children join in the rhythm. Then go around the circle with each child naming a way to serve on the beat of the two snaps. You should go first to give them an example: slap-slap, clap-clap, “Sweep the floor!” After one round, you can vary the pattern or quicken the beat to add more difficulty—and more fun!

Conclusion: You came up with many great ways to serve God and others today! Not everyone serves the same way; each day you will discover new opportunities to serve and show God’s love.