Leader Guide

Word Game

Make a copy of the Letter Game Cards sheet on cardstock, if possible.

Cut the 15 cards apart.

Shuffle the cards and place them face down in a pile.

Optional: print one copy of the Letter Game Word List.

This is the last lesson about Samuel, so let’s play a game to review the Bible story. We’ll do this by guessing words that we have heard in these three lessons.

  • Divide the children into Team 1 and Team 2. Mix older and younger children on each team.
  • Each word is worth five points per letter: 3-letter word = 15 points; 9-letter word = 45 points, etc. Teams alternate turns. The first player for Team 1 selects the top card on the pile and gives it to the leader, then sits down.
  • The leader selects a word from the matching category on the Word List.
  • The leader writes the first letter of the word on the board and a blank line after the first letter for each remaining letter of the word. Example: SERVE = S _ _ _ _.
  • The player who drew the card gets one chance to guess the word for the full value of points.
  • Give hints or clues as desired or necessary; especially for younger players.
  • If the guess is incorrect, the second letter is added for the first player on Team 2. Each time a letter is added, the point value reduces by five points.
  • No points are scored if all letters are revealed for any word.
  • After each word is guessed or revealed, discuss how it was used in the story.
  • Select another card. Use as many words as time allows. The team with the most points wins.

Letter Game Words:

3–6 letters: 1. Obey 2. Serve 3. Voice 4. Life 5. Speak 6. Faith 7. Love 8. Purity 9. Hannah 10. Vow 11. Eli 12. Samuel 13. Priest 14. Favor 15. Wicked 16. Poured

7–8 letters: 1. Dedicate 2. Example 3. Reliable 4. Promise 5. Servant 6. Offering 7. Presence 8. Sinning 9. Stature 10. Faithful 11. Sleeping 12. Prophet 13. Pleaded

9+ letters: 1. Tabernacle 2. Believers 3. Sacrifice 4. Repentance 5. Listening 6. Worshiped 7. Discipline 8. Frightened 9. Intercede