Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

God gave Joshua detailed instructions on how to cross the Jordan River and conquer Jericho. The Israelites would need to follow these instructions perfectly, and by faith, because they were not ordinary instructions for battle! If they obeyed God’s instructions, He would do amazing miracles and the battle would be won. Would the Israelites obey and pass God’s test? When Joshua told the people what God had instructed, here is what they told him. 

Read Joshua 1:16:

They answered Joshua, “We will do whatever you command us, and we will go wherever you send us.”

Let’s play a game about following Joshua’s orders! Will you obey the instructions you are given? Yes!

This game is played like Simon Says. You should obey my order if I start it by saying, “Joshua commands.” 

Have children stand in rows, about an arm’s length from one another. Begin some—but not all—of the commands below by saying, “Joshua commands.” To stay in the game, children must only obey orders that start with, “Joshua commands.” If children follow an order without those words—or do not follow an order with those words—they are out of the game and must sit out for that round. You may choose to repeat some commands and add others. Play each round until only one obedient “soldier” remains. If time permits additional rounds, you may have sixth-grade helpers or other children take turns giving the commands.        

  1. Make circles with your fingers around your eyes to spy out the land.
  2. Spy on Jericho by silently tiptoeing in place through the city gates.
  3. Knock softly on Rahab’s door.
  4. Climb up the ladder to Rahab’s roof.
  5. Quickly hide under the stalks of flax on the roof without making a sound!
  6. Escape from Jericho by climbing down a rope out of Rahab's window .
  7. Hide in the wilderness until the king’s soldiers have passed.
  8. Run in place as fast as you can to give the report on your spying trip!
  9. Israelites, walk in place as you cross the Jordan River on dry land.
  10. Bend over and touch the Promised Land with both hands!
  11. Sit down and rest.
  12. Fall asleep and snore.
  13. Kneel down and drink from the Jordan River.
  14. Throw a pretend rock back across the Jordan River.
  15. Prepare for the battle by kneeling down to pray.
  16. Stand up and raise your hands to heaven.
  17. Point the way to Jericho.
  18. March four steps toward Jericho!
  19. Turn around and march four steps back to camp!
  20. Hop over three rocks on one foot.
  21. Jump over four tree limbs on two feet.
  22. Twirl around in a circle seven times, or until you get dizzy.
  23. Hold hands with your neighbors to help pull them over the hill.
  24. Put your hand across your forehead to block the hot sun.
  25. Smile and laugh out loud because you serve the supreme God.
  26. Shake your head “No” to show nothing can stand against God!
  27. Turn to your left and march three steps.
  28. Turn to your right and march three steps.
  29. March silently in a circle around Jericho.  
  30. Blow your trumpet loudly at the walls of Jericho.
  31. Shout, “Praise the Lord!”
  32. Clap your hands in praise to God. 

You were good at obeying Joshua’s commands. Now let’s learn more about Joshua and the mighty God we serve!