Leader Guide

Interview Activity

Copy the Interview Card Pattern, one sheet for every four children.

Cut apart the cards: four cards per sheet. 

Do you remember in our video when Joy and Becky were doing a project at school? What didn’t the girls want to do? Work together.

Why didn’t they get along; had one offended the other or done something mean? No, Becky was new and they didn’t know each other, they had preconceived ideas about one another that were not true.

When Superbook took Joy and the others to Jericho, Rahab and Joy got to know each other. Even though Joy was not from Jericho, Rahab and Joy became friends. Do you remember how that happened? They talked and shared about themselves, they found a common interest in the scarf, clothes and fashion.

They both realized that people should be given a second chance. Rahab told Joy that when she got to know the enemy, she found they had common ground. Common ground means you share some interests, beliefs or experiences with someone else. The only way to find common ground with someone is to spend time with them and get to know them. We are going to do that today. For this activity, I want each of you to find someone you don’t know very well to be your partner.

Have children sit in pairs, then hand out the Interview Cards and pencils. If there is an uneven number, some children may work in groups of three. Have children ask each other the interview questions on their cards, then fill in the answers. Give them a few minutes, then have them come back together as a group. Allow time for children to share what they found out about each other. Ask if they found common ground, and what that was.

Pray: God, You created everyone in Your own image. We are Your children and You love all of Your creation. Help us not to judge too quickly or unfairly. Help us try to get to know others, to give them a second chance, and show Your love. God, Rahab was an unlikely choice to help the Israelite spies, but You chose to use her in Your plan! Let us see others with Your eyes of compassion and love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.