Leader Guide


Copy the Walls of Jericho Pattern for children who missed the previous lesson. You may copy it in color or black and white.

Have the class stand at one end of the room in rows of about six children across, about an arm’s length apart in all directions. Stand in the middle of the first row so you can move forward with the children when indicated. When you are talking, turn around to face the class.

Our SuperVerse in Hebrews 11:30 says:

It was by faith that the people of Israel marched around Jericho for seven days, and the walls came crashing down.

Joshua and the Israelites faced stone walls that stopped them as they traveled into the land God had promised them. Are the walls we face in our lives always going to be made of stone that we can see with our eyes?

In our Large Group time, we talked about how Joy faced an obstacle in a relationship during the Superbook adventure in our previous lesson. What was that obstacle? She and her class partner didn’t get along.

Let’s think of that obstacle as an invisible wall between the two girls. 

Walk two steps forward with the children following your example, then pretend to crash into an invisible wall. You may say, “Ouch! That hurt!”

Invisible walls can stop us from walking out God’s plan, just like Jericho’s walls seemed to stop the Israelites from going deeper into the Promised Land. How did Joy break through the invisible wall between herself and the other girl? Joy complimented Becky’s bracelet that Becky’s mom had made.

Joy’s kind words helped to remove the invisible obstacle in their relationship.

Read Proverbs 15:1:

A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.

What do you think that verse means? If we speak kindly, we can help make peace; but if we speak in a mean way, people will get mad.

Have everyone put their hands out as if to feel for the invisible wall you ran into earlier, then take a big jump over it together. When Jesus went up to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to live inside all of His followers—like you and me! We can ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom about what we can say or do to help us overcome obstacles. Let’s say the SuperTruth together. “With Christ I can overcome all obstacles.”

Let’s take a deeper look at some invisible obstacles that we may find as we walk the path of God’s will for our lives.

The Bible says some people in the world will try to stop us from believing the truth of God’s Word and following His will. Have you ever heard someone say something like that, and where did you hear it? TV, Internet, school, popular songs, etc.

Let’s say that we hear a person saying that God isn’t real or that He doesn’t love us. Have everyone pretend to crash into an invisible wall again. We don’t want to be pulled off the path that God has for us, so how can we overcome this obstacle?

Read 1 John 4:4 (nkjv):

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Christ, who lives in us, is greater than any TV shows, or any rock stars, or any person—including anyone who says the Bible isn’t true. We may run into many types of invisible obstacles that can try to stop us from serving God. The good news is that we have a way to overcome the world.  

Say the SuperTruth together and all jump over the invisible wall. “With Christ I can overcome all obstacles.”

Read 1 John 5:4–5 (nkjv):

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

This is such a powerful passage for us who have been born again by believing in Jesus! If you have faith in Christ, YOU are an overcomer! So let’s pretend we are walking along in our life, then suddenly someone tries to tempt us to do something that we know is wrong. Have everyone walk two steps, then pretend to crash into an invisible wall. What are some things we can do to stay strong and overcome the situation? Say no, run from the situation, pray, read the Bible, talk to our parents or other trusted adults, etc.

Let’s shout our SuperTruth as loud as possible, because by faith we are victorious and have overcome the world! As we shout, let’s all take a huge jump over the invisible barrier of the world! Children shout the SuperTruth out and jump over the invisible obstacle.

Note: There is a more detailed discussion of the Teaching material in the Additional Activity for Grades 4–6, What Obstacle?   

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Display the model and distribute a Walls of Jericho Pattern to any children who did not receive it in lesson one.

Our Discipleship Challenge for these three lessons is to pay attention and notice situations in our lives where we need God to help us deal with a hard time or a difficult relationship. We are using this craft as a reminder to pray and ask God for His wisdom, patience, courage, and strength. Did anyone remember to ask God for help when you were facing a hard time, and what happened when you did?

Let’s continue to be alert for times that we should ask God for His help in our everyday lives. The next time we meet, I will give you another chance to share what happened.