Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk 

Write the SuperVerse, including the reference, on the board.

Our SuperVerse today is Hebrews 11:30:

It was by faith that the people of Israel marched around Jericho for seven days, and the walls came crashing down.

What an awesome miracle God performed for His people! Do you know that we are God’s people, too—and He still performs miracles today?

How did this miracle happen at Jericho? God moved when the people trusted Him and did all that Joshua instructed them to do. The walls that the people of Jericho trusted were no match for the One True God! No obstacle we face is too big, too strong, or too difficult for God. Like the people of Israel, we must obey God’s instructions by faith. He may tell us to do something. He may tell us to wait on Him. He may tell us to speak or to be silent. By faith, we trust in God’s plan!

Now we are going to do an activity to learn our memory verse. The Israelites circled the walls of Jericho. I am going to circle a word and erase it. And I want you to tell me what word is missing in the circle. Are you ready?

Have children stand for this activity. Say the SuperVerse two times together as children look at the board. Now have children turn their backs to the wall and erase one or two words from the SuperVerse on the board and place a circle in place of two words. Have the children face the board and raise their hands if they think they know what should go in one of the circles. Erase the circle and fill in the word. Ask the class if they agree that it is the correct word. If it is correct, move on to the second word. If it is incorrect, ask another child for the word. Do this a few more times with two different words. If time permits, circle and erase four or more words each time.

You all did a very good job! Now let’s shout the verse together! Children shout the SuperVerse.