Leader Guide


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Read Joshua 6:10:

“Do not shout; do not even talk,” Joshua commanded. “Not a single word from any of you until I tell you to shout. Then shout!”

The Israelites faithfully obeyed their leader, Joshua, who had given them instructions from God. They remained silent until the proper time, then they shouted—and God caused the walls to come crashing down! Let’s take a few minutes now to find a place in the room to pray silently to God, alone. Ask Him to help you overcome any obstacle or difficulty you are facing. What do you need Him to help you with? It could be a bully or a subject you are having difficulty learning at school. Maybe it is a temptation you are facing. It can be anything that you need to overcome. Tell God that you are willing to do anything He instructs you to do.

Give children time to pray alone. Bring children together to stand as a group; then, on the count of three, have everyone shout together, “Praise God for the victory!”

Close in prayer: Dear God, with Christ I can overcome all obstacles. By faith, I believe that You have already given me the victory that I need today. I will continue to praise You for what You have done! In Jesus’ name we all pray, Amen.