Leader Guide


  • Roll of paper towels
  • Marker
  • Promised Land Sign
  • Two volunteers to be Israelites
  • Painters tape or masking tape
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
Discipleship Challenge Materials:
  • Promise Pouch
  • Heart Promises
  • Children’s scissors
  • Tape or fast-drying children’s glue
  • Pencils
  • Optional: red, green, and purple crayons, colored pencils, washable markers

Make one copy of the Promised Land Sign in color or black and white.

Tear off two separate lengths of 5–7 continuous sheets (full size sheets) from the paper towel roll to make two banners.  

Use the marker to carefully write one word in big letters across each banner:



It doesn’t matter how many letters are on each sheet—just write the word across it, taking care not to tear the sheets.

Carefully roll up each banner.

Tape the Promised Land Sign on a wall that children will face during the teaching.

Prepare the two volunteers for what you will have them do during the presentation.   

Discipleship Challenge:

Make copies of the Promise Pouch, one per child plus extras.

Make copies of the Heart Promises, one page per child plus extras.

Make a sample craft to display in class.

No Fear: Discuss living by faith.

Why did Chris decide not to hide the other player’s equipment? He saw how Joshua and Caleb followed the Lord and did what was right instead of going along with the other ten spies.     

When we follow the Lord and live by faith, sometimes we may be outnumbered by those who don’t. It takes courage not to be afraid and stand up for what is right. 

Our lesson today is about living by faith and not by sight. What does living by faith mean? Read Hebrews 11:1:

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see

Moses, Joshua and Caleb saw by faith that the Promised Land belonged to the Israelites. They simply believed God. Hebrews 11:27 says this about Moses:

It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the One who is invisible.

The key to living by faith is to keep our eyes fixed on God. Even though He is invisible, we can see Him with our eyes of faith. The other ten spies lived by what their eyes showed them, and they only saw giants. Moses, Joshua and Caleb lived by faith, and they knew that God is bigger than any giants.

Let’s say our SuperTruth: “I will live by faith and not by sight.”  

Stand beside the Promised Land sign. This sign represents the land of Canaan in the Bible story. God promised the land to His people beginning with Abraham. (See Genesis 12.) This also represents God’s promises to us in the Bible. We want to receive every one of God’s wonderful promises—but many things can stop us if we don’t watch for them. Let’s discuss two that kept the Israelites out of the Promised Land.  

Have two children stand about 10 feet from the Promised Land sign. Unfold Banner #1—DOUBT. Have the children take the banner and carefully hold it between them so the class can see the writing. I would like everyone to shout the word on the banner. DOUBT! 

Have the two volunteer Israelites slowly begin walking together toward the DOUBT banner and stop suddenly in front of it.

These are two Israelites. They are on the edge of the Promised Land. God told them it was time to go and possess the land, so what stopped them? Doubt!

They heard the bad report from the ten spies, then doubt stopped them in their tracks! They didn’t think God would keep His promise to give them the Promised Land. Are they living by faith or by sight? Sight!     

Have the Israelites go back a few steps. Now, these two aren't just any Israelites; they are Joshua and Caleb! Have the children holding the banner grip it tightly and hold it taut, but not enough to tear it. Have “Joshua” and “Caleb” look straight ahead and confidently and forcefully walk through the banner to tear it apart. Have them stand touching the Promised Land sign.    

Did doubt stop Joshua and Caleb? No!

Are they living by sight or faith? Faith!

Exactly; they kept their eyes on God, not the obstacles.

Have two children hold up Banner #2—FEAR. Let’s shout the word on this banner! Fear!

Fear is another thing that kept the Israelites from taking hold of God’s promises. What did they call themselves in comparison to the giants? Grasshoppers.

Does that sound courageous and brave? No.

They were scared that God could not protect them and their children! Were they living by faith or by sight? Sight! 

Have Joshua and Caleb stand a few steps away from the FEAR banner. Joshua and Caleb did not fear what man could do. They knew God had promised them victory, so it did not matter what their eyes saw. Joshua and Caleb told the people what our SuperVerse says. Let’s say it together. Numbers 14:9:

“The LORD is with us! Don’t be afraid of them!”

Have Joshua and Caleb walk through the FEAR banner, then take the Promised Land sign off the wall and hold it up together in victory!

This is what happens when we live by faith, not by sight! We don’t let doubt and fear keep us away from God’s promises. When we live by faith, nothing can stop us!


Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Many years later, after the people finally entered the Promised Land, Joshua told them in Joshua 23:14: 

“Deep in your hearts you know that every promise of the LORD your God has come true. Not a single one has failed.”

This is what our Discipleship Challenge is about—placing God’s promises deep in our hearts. When we do that, we can stand on His Word for strength. This is important, especially when we go through problems of any kind.

Display the sample craft. Give each child a Promise Pouch, Heart Promise page, scissors, tape or glue, and crayons or markers to color the pouch if it’s in black and white. Children should write their names on the blank line, assemble Promise Pouch, and cut apart the Heart Promises. Be ready to assist any children as needed.

Please find Heart #1 and read it aloud. James 4:10.

The first part of this challenge is to look up this verse, discover God’s promise, and if possible, discuss the meaning of the verse with your family. Then, try to memorize the verse to put it deep in your heart! Once you have done that, place the heart in the Promise Pouch. For the second part of the challenge, set aside some time each day to read the Bible to discover more promises from God. Some good places to start are the book of Proverbs in the Old Testament or the book of Ephesians in the New Testament. They are filled with God’s promises! If you don’t have a Bible, you can use the free Bible on the Superbook website or in the Superbook Bible App. When you find a promise, write it on Heart #2 and put it into your Promise Pouch. The next time we meet, you will have an opportunity to share the promise you found and any discussion you had with your family. As a bonus challenge, carry the heart promises with you as you memorize the verses, and pray about how to use that promise in your life!

Optional: if time allows, have the class look up and discuss James 4:10: 

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor.