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Intercession Prayers: Communicate with God.

It’s sad to think that the Israelites believed the ten spies instead of Joshua and Caleb. The people were so busy thinking about giants in the land that they didn’t think about how God was with them. Can you believe they wanted to go back to Egypt, where they had been slaves?

God became angry and wanted to disown and destroy the people because of their unbelief. Moses stood between God and the people and pleaded on their behalf. This type of prayer is called intercession. Moses was interceding for the people. And in Numbers 14:20, God told Moses:

“I will pardon them as you requested.”

This was a true act of humility and sacrifice by Moses. Like God, he was tired of the people’s unbelief, whining and rebellion. Yet he chose to intercede for them and save their lives. In our prayer time today, you will have the opportunity to intercede for others.

Do you know anyone living in fear or doubt? Are they ready to give up and quit because they are discouraged and afraid? Maybe they have never heard about Jesus, or perhaps they have wandered away from God. Please stand up and close your eyes. Imagine yourself standing between God and the people you are interceding for. Pray silently, asking God to speak to their hearts and give them new hope and faith. Ask God to show them His love and mercy. Allow time for children to pray silently, then close in prayer. 

Dear loving and merciful God, thank You for hearing our prayers today. We praise You for moving in the lives of those we are interceding for today. We ask that the Holy Spirit would remind us to continue to pray daily for them. Help us speak words of encouragement and faith to these people so they will come to know Your love, Your salvation, and Your promises. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.