Leader Guide

Soccer Game

  • Two different colored playground balls: soft vinyl or beach balls
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • One additional helper—a leader or 6th grade helper
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard, marker or chalk if playing in the classroom; paper and pencil to keep score if outdoors or in a gym

This game is ideally played outdoors or in a gym. If playing in a classroom, clear a large area.       

I Think I’ll Pass: Work together as a team to pass the balls.

It is important to work together as a team to accomplish a goal in a game. This is also true for a school project, or if you play an instrument in the band or orchestra, or when you’re doing something with your family. 

When the Israelites were in the wilderness, they had to be ready to move whenever God moved the cloud or the pillar of fire. When the trumpets blew, all the Israelites worked as a team to take down their tents, pack up the Tabernacle, and gather all of their supplies. They had to move quickly!

Joy and Chris were working together as a team playing soccer. How did they pass the ball back and forth to each other? They kicked it.

We are going to play a game now to work together as a team like Chris and Joy to kick the ball to one another.   

This is a large group game. Divide the children into two equal groups. Have the groups stand in two lines, across from and facing each other. Children should stand at arm’s length from the players on either side.

I will place the ball near the player at one end of the line, and that player will kick it along the floor to the player across. Keep doing this until the ball reaches the last player, who will kick it to me to stop the clock. We will record the time and play again to try to do it faster each time. Are you ready to play? Oh, wait a minute; let’s make this a little more interesting. We will play with two balls instead of one. We will start a ball at each end of the line to travel to the opposite end at the same time.

Important: instruct the players to stop the ball with a foot first before they aim and kick it to the next player. Record the time on the board and play again to try to beat it.       

Conclusion: Nice teamwork everyone! Put your hands out sideways and clap each other’s hands! Great job!