Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Very long rope, string or yarn
  • Red marker

Use the red marker to color just one inch at the end of the rope.

Our SuperTruth says that God sees, hears and understands me. So, He has the best wisdom for how I should live each day of my life. Our prayer today is from a prayer of Moses in Psalm 90:12:

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.

Brevity means shortness. Moses is asking God to teach him to understand how short life is on Earth and to make the most of the time he has. Sometimes it feels like we will be here forever, right? Yes, sometimes.

The Contemporary English Version of the Bible says:

Teach us to use wisely all the time we have.

Hold up the rope and stretch it out.

Look at this very long rope. This is our life. The red part represents our life on Earth—and the rest of the rope represents our life with Jesus in heaven! Compared to eternity, our life on Earth is extremely short, isn’t it? Yes!

I am going to lead us in prayer as Moses prayed. Have children close their eyes as you pray.

Dear God, the world we live in is not going to last forever. Help us seek You for wisdom to live each day and make the most of every opportunity You set before us. God, You hear us, see us, and understand us better than anyone. You know the plans You have for us. Give us the wisdom to follow those plans and to accomplish all that You have given us to do! In Jesus’ name, Amen.