Leader Guide


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Let’s read Exodus 14:10–16 to see what happened when the Israelites in our story prayed. I will pause during the reading to discuss your thoughts.

As Pharaoh approached, the people of Israel looked up and panicked when they saw the Egyptians overtaking them. They cried out to the Lord

Pause to discuss: Was the Israelites’ prayer long and elegant with carefully chosen words to impress God, or just, “Lord, help us, we are terrified!”

... And they said to Moses, “Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren’t there enough graves for us in Egypt? What have you done to us? Why did you make us leave Egypt? … It’s better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness!”

Pause to discuss: How did the people feel, with the sea in front of them and the Egyptian army behind them? Were the Israelites speaking out of faith or fear—out of strength or weakness? 

But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”

Pause to discuss how these promises all came true—and God answered their prayers with a miracle!

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the people to get moving! Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea. Divide the water so the Israelites can walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground.”

Discuss how there is a time to pray and then there is a time to take action after God answers.

God has the power to do anything! So when we are feeling weak, fearful or discouraged, we can rely on God’s strength and watch it overcome our weaknesses!

Our prayers are not answered based on the big words we use or how well we speak. Prayer is simply communication with God that might be through tears or excitement, a whisper or a shout. Don’t forget that prayer is not only us talking to God, but God talking to us, too! God instructed Moses what to do after the Israelites cried out for help. Had Moses not listened, he would have missed God’s instruction!

Pray this prayer and pause following each line so the children can repeat it after you.

Dear God, ...

We praise You for being a loving Father who wants to communicate with Your children. …

We are so glad we can come to You in times of weakness or fear, …

And simply tell You what is on our minds and hearts. …

We know You will answer every prayer, …

And our weaknesses will be overcome with Your strength. …

Thank You for Your love and protection, Father. …

In Jesus’ name, Amen.