Leader Guide

Action Game

  • Ten empty soda cans or empty water bottles—may use the ones from Red Sea Roll Game 
  • Marker
  • Table
  • Two socks
  • Optional—masking tape

Use marker to write one number each, 1 through 10, on each can.

Place the cans on a table—see illustration.

Mark or tape a spot on the floor approximately 12 to 15 feet away from the table.

Ball up each sock separately—do not ball socks together.

We have been learning about how God can overcome our weaknesses. Moses had weaknesses that God overcame with His strength. Moses felt he lacked the ability to speak well. God overcame that weakness by sending Aaron to talk for Moses. If we are willing to admit that we are weak and frustrated in an area and can’t do it on our own, God will help us to overcome that weakness with His strength.

Let’s play a game about overcoming and knocking out our weakness! Each can -or bottle—represents a weakness that we might need God’s strength to overcome.

The first player steps to the line and throws one sock to knock down a can—it doesn’t have to fall off the table. When a can is knocked over, read the corresponding numbered weakness from the list. Ask the children to prayerfully consider if this is an area of weakness or strength for them.

Whether or not the player hits a can, the turn ends and the next player takes a turn. Sixth grade helpers or other volunteers should return the socks after each turn. If more than one can is knocked over on a throw, stand the additional cans back up. Continue the game until all cans are knocked over and all weaknesses considered.

Weakness list corresponding to numbers written on cans:

  1. Arguing with a brother or sister.
  2. Disobeying instructions.
  3. Doing homework only when asked several times.
  4. Putting off chores.
  5. Forgetting to pray or read the Bible.
  6. Being selfish and not sharing.
  7. Lacking confidence to share the Gospel.
  8. Making fun of others.
  9. Gossiping.
  10. Showing impatience toward others.

As our SuperTruth says, “God will overcome my weakness.” In 2 Corinthians 12:9, the Apostle Paul was struggling with a weakness, and God told him:

“My power works best in weakness.”

When we are honest about our weaknesses and don’t try to cover up our failures, God can show His mighty power by helping us. God wants us to bring our weaknesses to Him so He can overcome them with His mighty power!

Pray a short prayer and lead the children in asking God to strengthen any areas of weakness that they have identified.