Leader Guide

Question Game

Ask if anyone has questions after watching the condensed version of “Let My People Go!” Play this simple review game by providing up to two hints per question. Divide the class into two teams—Team Moses and Team Miriam, Moses’ sister. Each team lines up in single file. 


If you can guess who or what I’m thinking of, you will win points.

A correct answer after Hint 1 earns ten points.

A correct answer after Hint 2 earns five points.

A Team Takeaway earns two points. When one team fails to give a correct answer after both hints, the other team has one opportunity to answer correctly. This is called a Team Takeaway.

Game Play:

Teams alternate turns. Give Question 1, Hint 1 to Team Miriam. The first child on that team gets one chance to answer within 5 seconds.

Count down the seconds out loud. The other team can join in the countdown for more fun!

Award ten points to Team Miriam for a correct answer—see scoring above.

For an incorrect answer—give Question 1, Hint 2 to Team Miriam’s second player.

Award five points for a correct answer to Team Miriam.

For an incorrect answer to Hint 2, the other team (Team Moses) gets a chance for a Team Take Away! Team Moses can "huddle" and decide on only ONE answer. If the answer is correct, award two points to Team Moses! If incorrect, no points are awarded to either team. Reveal the correct answer.

Continue play in this fashion with Question 2, Hint 1 given to the first player on Team Moses.

Game play continues until all the questions are asked. The team with the most points wins.

Note: Always begin with the next player on a team who hasn’t had a turn. Do not begin again with player one, until all have played on that team.

Add your own questions and hints to extend play if you desire.

Who or what am I? Questions and hints, with answers:

Who am I?

Hint 1:

I am an Egyptian.

Hint 2:

At first, I refused to let God’s people go.


Who am I?

Hint 1:

I am Moses’ brother.

Hint 2:

God used me to be Moses’ voice.


What am I?

Hint 1:

I blocked the way of the Israelites in the wilderness.

Hint 2:

I divided in two to form a path.

Red Sea.

What am I?

Hint 1:

I turned into a snake.

Hint 2:

Moses stretched me out over the Red Sea.

Moses’ rod.

Who am I?

Hint 1:

I was a shepherd.

Hint 2:

I led God’s people through the wilderness.


Who are we?

Hint 1:

We followed the Israelites in the wilderness.

Hint 2:

We drowned in the Red Sea.

Pharaoh’s army.

Who are we?

Hint 1:

We made bricks.

Hint 2:

God rescued us out of Egypt.

Israelites, or Hebrew people.

What am I?

Hint 1:

I was the first plague.

Hint 2:

I am red.

Plague of blood in the river.

What am I?

Hint 1:

God ordered that I should be put on the door posts of the Israelite’s homes.

Hint 2:

The angel passed over when he saw me. 

Lamb’s blood.

What am I?

Hint 1:

Moses stopped to see me in the wilderness.

Hint 2:

I was on fire but did not burn up.

Burning bush.