Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Rope or string from Teaching section
  • Crepe paper streamer roll or toilet paper roll 
  • Volunteer reader — 5th or 6th grade child if possible  
  • Four paper grocery bags
  • Two chairs
  • Four sheets of paper or cardstock
  • Scissors
  • Marker

Assign Philippians 2:5 to the volunteer to look up and read at the appropriate time.

Place the rope on the floor near one end of the room.

Place the two chairs a few feet apart and tie the crepe paper (or toilet paper) so it is taut and about waist-high between the two chairs.

Carefully cut a small vertical slit in the top of the crepe paper midway between the chairs to ensure that it will tear during the demonstration.

On each of the four bags, write a number—1–4.

On each of the four sheets of paper, write one of the following:

  1. Jealousy.
  2. Tired.
  3. Failure.
  4. Gossip and lies. 

Place each sheet of paper in the bag with the matching number.

Stand the bags up in order on the floor, with the first one a few feet from the starting line. Space them so the fourth bag stands a few feet from the finish line. 

Practice presenting the object lesson so you are familiar with its content and timing.

Stand behind the starting line—rope—to begin and then progress along the path, stopping abruptly at each obstacle as if surprised that it halted your journey. Read the sheet inside the bag and do the presentation below until you reach the finish line—crepe paper, then break through the paper in dramatic fashion. Reset the finish line for the lesson.

We have been discussing Joseph and how he trusted God to complete His plan for Joseph’s life. Can you remember what Joseph’s dreams were and how they were fulfilled?

Do you think it was easy for Joseph to trust God through all the things that seemed to go wrong?

No, but Joseph didn’t complain or give up.

Here is the rope that we have been using to represent our journey. Right now, it represents the starting line for God’s plan for us. Now, usually when we begin something it is pretty exciting, right? However, as we move along, we may encounter difficulties or obstacles that we didn’t expect, some of them similar to what Joseph experienced.

1. Stop at Bag #1 and read the paper. Jealousy! Who was jealous of Joseph? His brothers.

Yes, when we live for God and walk out His plan for us, others may not understand God’s blessings in our lives—such as hope, peace, love, and joy—and they may become jealous. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to share that God is the source and they can experience these blessings, too! Now, we have a choice. Do we overcome the obstacle or do we become discouraged and give up?

Yes, let’s continue!

2. Stop at Bag #2 and read the paper. Tired! Have you ever become so tired that you wanted to give up? Does it ever seem like things take a lot longer than we expected?

Yes, we all have felt that way. Joseph must have grown tired at times, although we never read about him complaining or quitting. Surely, he could not have imagined the number of years it would take for his dreams to be fulfilled! God is the source of our strength. When we read His word and pray, He will renew our strength and encourage us to continue. God’s timing may be different than ours because His plan involves many people and events, like in Joseph’s life. So, do we overcome the obstacle of being tired or do we become discouraged and give up?

Yes, let’s continue!

3. Stop at Bag #3 and read the paper. Failure! Have you ever felt like a failure? Perhaps you didn’t do as well as you wanted to in an activity at school, in sports, in a relationship, or playing an instrument. None of us can do everything well. We all have different gifts and talents from God. Sometimes, when we try things for the very first time, we don’t do very well and feel we failed. We cannot let these things stop us when we are following God’s plan. We need to seek God and ask Him for His help and understanding. If we have failed by disobeying God’s Word, He is ready and willing to forgive us so we can continue on our journey without feeling guilty and ashamed! Now, do we overcome the obstacle of failure or do we become discouraged and give up?

Yes, let’s continue!

4. Stop at Bag #4 and read the paper. Gossip and lies. Has anyone ever spread gossip about you or accused you of something you didn’t do?

Joseph was falsely accused and thrown into prison when he didn’t deserve it! This must have been very discouraging to Joseph, but he did not give up! We must take these things to God in prayer and believe what He says about us—not what others say! We can also talk to our parents or other adults we trust if we feel that others are spreading untrue things about us. Do we overcome this obstacle with God’s help and trust His good plan for us, or do we become discouraged and give up?

Yes, we overcome!

Have the child read Philippians 1:6:

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Go right up to the finish line as if you’re going to cross it, then abruptly stop.

What if we allowed ourselves to get so discouraged that we stopped before we got to the finish line? Would God’s plan be completed? No!

That’s right, God’s plans for us are good and we need to trust Him to accomplish His plan from beginning until the end. If we decide to stop, we will miss out on something wonderful!

God has a good plan and a good work for each one of us. We can count on God to finish what He began in us. Even though we may face obstacles, God’s plan for us is good. We must trust Him and finish the journey, no matter what happens along the way!

Have all the children join you, then together walk quickly through the finish line to break the paper.