Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Large box of assorted crayons—16–24 count ideal
  • Coins—one each of assorted sizes, the more the better
  • Shape Pattern  
  • Globe, or world map printed from Internet 
  • Cardstock
  • Scissors
  • Two sealable sandwich bags or envelopes

Make a copy of the Shape Pattern on cardstock. Print in color if possible.

Cut out the objects on the pattern and place in a bag.

Place coins in a different bag. 

If using a world map, print from Internet. 

Who can say our SuperTruth from memory? “God’s plan for Jesus brought salvation to all.”

Good! Now, let’s all say it together: “God’s plan for Jesus brought salvation to all.”

Hold up the different groups of objects as listed below. Discuss briefly to reinforce the meaning of all to the children. End with the world map or globe.

  • Coins—discuss the various sizes and how much each one is worth. Remove a few and hold up the rest, asking if this is all of the coins. No.
  • Hold up all the coins then and repeat the question. Yes.
  • Crayons—show the box and read several of the colors. Pull some crayons out of the box and hold the box up, asking if the box contains ALL of the colors. No.
  • Place all of the crayons back in the box, then hold it up and repeat the question. Yes.
  • Shapes—hold up the shapes, words not showing, and ask the children to tell you the name of each shape. Remove some shapes from the pile and hold up the rest, asking if this is ALL of the shapes. No.
  • Add the shapes back to the pile, hold them up again, and repeat the question. Yes.
  • Slowly spin the globe or hold up the map. Point to some countries/continents, have children try to identify them, and ask if they have ever traveled to any other countries. Point to the country where you live and then to other countries at the appropriate time as you complete the presentation.

This represents the whole world—ALL of it. When God sent Jesus to Earth to die for people’s sins, He didn’t just die for SOME people. He died for ALL of the people in ALL of these countries!

In the Bible, some religious leaders wanted to limit God’s blessings and salvation to the Jews, but Jesus made it clear that He came to save ALL people! 

When you look at people in your school or in your neighborhood, ask God to show you how He sees them. It doesn’t matter if they are rich or poor, old or young—all people need to know the Lord!