Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • One clean, clear jar with lid, plus a tray
  • One ball that will fit into the jar, such as a ping pong, golf, or tennis ball
  • About five stones that will fit in the jar
  • Uncooked rice, beans or corn—enough to fill the jar with the stones and ball inside
  • Scissors for the children
  • Wisdom and Major Prophets Pattern 
  • Historic Books Pattern for children who missed Lesson 1
  • Optional: “Old Testament Books” sheet music

First, put the ball and stones into the empty jar; then fill it to the brim with rice, beans or corn. Remove all items from the jar and store the stones in one bag; and store the rice, beans or corn in another bag.

Practice this activity to demonstrate it smoothly.

Copy the Small Superbook Device Craft: Wisdom and Major Prophets Pattern, one per child, plus extras. There are two patterns on each page, so cut them apart before class. Assemble the section and add it to the Superbook device as a sample.

Have extra copies of the Small Superbook Device Craft: Historical Books Pattern, from Lesson 1, for any children who were absent.

Our SuperTruth says: “I will obey God, even when it’s hard.” God gave Abraham one of the hardest tests anyone could ever take. Do you remember from our last lesson how Abraham was able to obey God? Abraham had faith!

Hebrews 11:19 tells us that Abraham was fully persuaded that God could bring Isaac back to life!

After Abraham passed the test, the Lord knew without question that Abraham put God first—even above his son, Isaac. In our SuperVerse, the angel of the Lord tells Abraham, “Now I know that you truly obey God.”

When we accept Jesus into our hearts, God places His Holy Spirit in us to strengthen us and to help us obey Him. As we spend time with God, our faith is strengthened and we learn His will for our lives. He gives us the power to obey Him—even when it’s hard! 

Read Ezekiel 36:27 (cev):

“I will put My Spirit in you and make you eager to obey My laws and teachings.”

Display the tray with the empty jar, the ball, the stones, and the bag of rice or beans or corn. 

The jar represents our lives. Let’s fill it with things we might do in a day. This rice represents things we choose to do. Pour in the rice and talk about how it represents things like hobbies, watching TV, spending time with friends, playing sports, and reading. These stones represent important things that we must do each day. Put the stones in the jar one by one, talking about how we need to eat, sleep, go to school, do chores, etc. Now, hold up the ball. This ball represents God and everything related to Him such as reading your Bible, praying, going to church, and serving others—basically any kind of obedient service to God. Dramatically try to put the ball into the jar and try to put the lid on—but it won’t fit. Oh, no! God is supposed to be the most important thing in my life, but I haven’t left any room for Him!

Take the ball out of the jar, and remove the stones and rice. Let’s start over by putting God first. Place the ball in the jar. Now, let’s put in the important things we need to do every day. Place the stones in. Now, let’s put in all the activities we might choose to do. Put in the rice, then put the lid on the jar. Look, everything fits perfectly! When I put God first, everything else falls into place. Like Abraham, we have the choice of whether to put God first or not. When we choose to obey God, our lives will be filled with blessings!

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

The final test in our game a few minutes ago was to say the first 27 books of the Bible. We started learning the first 17 books last time. Does anyone remember what that group of books is called? Historical books of the Old Testament.

Can any of you say all 17 of them in order without looking? Allow children to try.

Give a copy of the Wisdom and Major Prophets Pattern to each child.

This time, our challenge is to memorize the next 10 books of the Old Testament, from Job to Daniel. The first five books on this list are often called the Wisdom Books of the Old Testament. Let’s say their names. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon.

They are full of beautiful poetry and godly wisdom for our lives. The next five books are called the Major Prophets. Even though there are five books in this section, they were written by four prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. Jeremiah also wrote the book of Lamentations. So let’s read the names of those five books in order: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel.

Now let’s read the names of these 10 books together. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel.

Distribute scissors and the Small Superbook Device Crafts to the children who began them last time. Their names should be on the back. Give scissors and patterns from Lesson 1 to any children who were absent. Have the children follow these step-by-step instructions to add the Wisdom and Major Prophets section to their devices:

  1. Fold the “books” pattern in half along the vertical dotted line. Be very careful to fold it exactly on the dotted line.
  2. Carefully fold it in half again, along the other dotted line.
  3. Carefully cut along the solid lines, including the rectangular slot.
  4. Open it, then “pinch-fold” it to slide it gently through the slot at the bottom of the Historical Books section already hanging from the Superbook device.

Can anyone say the names of these 10 books without looking? Allow children to try. Remember to work on memorizing the books of the Old Testament at home. This will help you find your way around the Bible for the rest of your life!

Make sure the children’s names are on their devices, collect them, and save them to finish next time.

Optional: As the children work, help them memorize the books of the Old Testament by using the “Old Testament Books” Sheet Music to sing them to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me.” The first verse includes the historical books - Genesis to Esther - and the second verse includes the wisdom books, plus the major and minor prophets - Job to Malachi.