Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • 2 copies of Provision Card Pattern
  • Two balls—tennis balls or small foam balls
  • Containers—medium size box or clean trash can
  • Optional: masking tape

Cut out the cards on the sheets. Each team will get both sheets.

Make a stack of cards for each team. Each stack will contain identical cards.

Tape a line or mark the floor near one end of the room. Place another line or mark about 10 feet from the first one.

Place the container about 10 feet from the second line. If possible, try to leave a few feet of space all around the container.

Our SuperTruth and SuperVerse today both tell us that God gave. He gave Himself and He gave His Son. Another way to say this is to say that God provided. One of God’s names is Jehovah-Jireh, which means God provides. This is what Abraham named the place on the mountain where God provided the ram for the burnt offering. God provides for all of our needs through Jesus our Savior! Paul wrote a letter to encourage the Philippians about this.  

Read Philippians 4:19:

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. 

As believers in Christ Jesus, we know God will provide for all of our needs. Let’s play a basketball game to discover more of what God so richly provides for us in Christ!

Divide the class into two teams and have them line up behind the first line or mark. Place a stack of Provision Cards face down at each end of the mark. Give a ball to the first player on each team. Start the game. The first player from each team will select a Provision Card and read it aloud; then they will walk quickly to the second line or mark and try to shoot the ball into the container—simultaneously. If the shot misses, the player must go to the ball and shoot from that spot on the floor. They continue to shoot until they make a basket. When a shot is made, the player retrieves the ball and walks quickly back to the next player who repeats the process. Be prepared to help any children with special needs, and designate an older child for each team to help out children who may have difficulties pronouncing any words. The first team to finish wins.

That was exciting! Can you believe all the ways that God provides for us? We have just named a few of them! As we live our lives for Jesus, we will discover new and amazing ways that God provides like He did for Abraham with the ram in the bushes! Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “God loves me and gave Himself for me.”