Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Have the children find places to sit down where they can pray alone. 

Sometimes we may face situations that seem difficult or even impossible to us. Job faced unimaginable sorrow and suffering, yet he never turned his back on God. We can take courage knowing that God is with us, and He also goes before us to prepare the way, just as He promises in our SuperVerse!

Have the children pray silently about any loneliness they may feel, or some problem they are facing. Encourage them to ask God to fill them with His strength, comfort, peace, and a sense of His presence today.

Allow a few minutes for them to pray silently, then close in prayer.

Dear God, thank You that we can be strong and courageous because You are with us. We praise You that You will never leave us or abandon us. We do not need to be afraid when we trust that You are always with us. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.