Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk 

Write the SuperVerse, including the reference, on the board.

Our SuperVerse for today is Job 19:25:

"But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and He will stand upon the earth at last.

Have the children face the board and spread out so they have room to do the motions. Begin by saying the verse slowly together, teaching them the accompanying motions. Repeat it several times, going faster with each repetition.

“But as for me, -- Point to self.

I know that -- Point to head/mind.

my Redeemer lives, -- Point to Jesus in heaven.

and He will stand -- Take a high step forward and stand at attention with arms at sides.

upon the earth at last.” --  Make a large round globe with both arms.

In this verse, Job was declaring what he knew deep inside his heart, even in the midst of his suffering. It didn’t matter what others believed or what his present situation looked like; Job’s faith was not shaken. Even Job’s wife tried to convince Job to blame God, but he would not! Job held onto the knowledge that God is alive, and he would see his Redeemer standing upon Earth one day!         

Great job everyone—remember this verse, our Redeemer lives and we will see Him with our own eyes one day, too!

Note: If younger children are not able to memorize the entire SuperVerse, simply have them repeat it several times and be sure they understand its meaning.