Leader Guide


  • Container for paper slips
  • Slips of paper with these descriptions:
    • Daniel prays by window
    • Wicked man reads decree on scroll
    • Guard pushes stone over lions’ den
    • King Darius worries about Daniel
    • Angel holds lions’ mouths shut
    • Daniel comes out of lions’ den unhurt
    • Chris skateboarding
    • Bully teases little boy

Write descriptions on separate slips of paper. You may add others to make the game longer.

Fold slips, place in a container, and shuffle.

Divide the class into two groups. Have a child from the first group take a slip of paper from the container and SILENTLY act out the phrase from the Superbook story for the whole class. Give a point to the team that guesses the right answer first. Then have a child from the second group do the same thing. Repeat as time allows and announce which team won the most points.

Introduce today’s SuperTruth: “God answers my prayers.”

Does God hear and answer every prayer? Yes.

Does God answer “Yes” to every prayer? No.

He may say Yes, or No, or Wait. Whatever He says, we can trust Him, because He knows what is really best for us.

Did it seem like God was answering Daniel’s prayers when he was thrown into the lions’ den? No.

Yet God can see things that we humans cannot see! He had a plan to protect Daniel and show people how powerful the One True God really is!

We can trust God because He made us, He loves us, and He has a wonderful plan for our lives! In order to know His plan, we need to spend time with Him in prayer. As we pray, God will help us make good choices, give us courage and wisdom, and guide us in His ways.