Leader Guide

Prayer Game

  • Optional: masking or painter’s tape

Divide the room in half; you may tape a line on the floor.

The Bible tells us Daniel prayed three times a day near a window facing Jerusalem. That’s because the Temple was in Jerusalem. In 1 Kings 8:29–30 (cev), when King Solomon dedicated it many years earlier, he prayed:

“This is the temple where You have chosen to be worshiped. ... So whenever any of us look toward this temple and pray, answer from Your home in heaven and forgive our sins.”

Centuries later, things changed when Jesus came into the world! He told His followers, John 20:22b cev:

“Receive the Holy Spirit.”

When we accept Jesus as our Savior, His Holy Spirit lives inside us. Our hearts become a special place where God’s Spirit lives. The Bible tells us, 1 Corinthians 3:16b cev:

You are God’s temple and ... His Spirit livesin you.

That’s amazing — we are God’s temple and His Spirit lives inside us! So do we need to face Jerusalem when we pray? No.

Why? His temple is in our hearts.

Let’s all say the SuperTruth, “God answers my prayers.” Children repeat.

Will God hear us if we pray kneeling down? Yes.

Sitting down? Yes.

Lying down? Yes.

What about running, walking, skipping, hopping, twirling, or swimming? Yes.

Let’s play a game about that!

This is a version of Simon Says. Divide the class into two teams on opposite sides of the room. Each team member stands about an arm’s length away from the others. Teams alternate turns, choosing a “Daniel” to lead the game for one turn. Both teams follow Daniel’s directions at the same time. If any players do not follow correctly, their team gets a point. The team with the FEWEST points at the end wins! Let each Daniel lead for about 30 seconds or until a point is scored. A player from the other team then becomes Daniel. End the game when all children have had the opportunity to play Daniel, or as long as time allows.

Daniel should start some instructions by saying: Daniel prayed ________ sitting down/walking/kneeling/lying down/riding a bike/swimming/ skipping/playing soccer/climbing stairs/etc. Sometimes Daniel should try to trick players by not saying “Daniel prayed” and simply giving the action; a point is scored if any member of a team accidentally follows the command.

That was fun! You had to act out some crazy prayer positions, didn’t you? Yet God will always hear your prayer! Let’s shout the SuperTruth once more, this time while you do jumping jacks! Is everybody ready? At the count of three: 1, 2, 3! “God answers my prayers.”