Leader Guide


  • Four pieces of cardboard, or masking or painter’s tape
  • Two twelve-foot ropes or strings

Lay out the game area as shown in the illustration, marking the location of two “pits” and two places for “solid ground.”

Optional Play: you may prefer to divide the class in half and use just one “pit” and one “solid ground,” but play as one team against the clock. Play again and try to beat the previous time.

God can rescue us out of any situation. Read Psalm 40:2a:

He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground.

Let’s play a game about rescuing each other from trouble! Pretend that two of these rectangles are deep pits, and the other two rectangles are the solid ground. You will take turns tossing a rope to rescue your teammates in trouble!

Divide the class into two equal teams, and have each team line up behind their “pit.” Choose one child from each team to be the first “rescuer,” who stands with a rope on the “solid ground” across from the team’s pit. One player on each team steps into the pit and must keep both feet in the rectangle until he or she can catch the rope and be rescued. Each rescuer should hold one end of the rope and quickly toss the other end as many times as necessary until the player in the pit can grab it. The rescuer then drops the rope and quickly sits down behind the solid ground. The rescued child runs to the solid ground with the rope to become the new rescuer, then begins throwing the rope to the next teammate in the pit. Both teams play simultaneously. If a player steps off a rectangle, play stops for that team until the player is back on again. The first team to rescue all of its players from trouble wins!