Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Balloons of two different colors; two for every “furnace” plus extras
  • Painters or masking tape; or chalk, yarn or string   
  • Timer: stopwatch, timer app, watch or clock with second hand
  • Chalkboard and chalk; or whiteboard and marker

Tape or mark off two 6 x 6 foot squares—furnaces—on the floor. Leave plenty of room between them for game play. For larger classes add more furnaces. See illustration.

Inflate balloons with air and tie closed.

Write the SuperTruth on the board: “I will obey God no matter what.”

What do you think made Chris change his mind about not using the test answers?

Do you think Chris was willing to accept missing the trip to the amusement park; if so, why?

Was Chris a good example for the other children who did use the answers, and why?

Does anyone remember our SuperTruth from Large Group? “I will obey God no matter what.”

For this game, we need teams of two, so I want everyone to find someone you don’t know very well to be your partner!

Two teams will play at each “furnace”—marked square—at the same time. The partners should split up, standing directly across from each other on opposite sides of the furnace—see illustration, with one child on each of the four sides of the square. Give one balloon to each team, using different colors of balloons for the two pairs at the same furnace. Begin the timer and say “GO!” The object of the game is for each team to throw their balloon back and forth across the furnace, shouting one word of the SuperTruth in order with each throw. This is done until the SuperTruth is completed. They try to do this as many times as they can in one minute. If a balloon falls into the furnace, they must start over. If a balloon falls to the floor outside the furnace it is still “live” and play continues. At the end of one minute, end the round, have each pair tally their points—one point per complete SuperTruth shouted, and have the next set of teams play.

The tricky part of the game is to avoid balloon “crashes” over the furnace with the opposing team’s balloon. Both teams are playing at the same time, over the same area! If balloons crash, they can be saved by catching or batting them to your partner’s side. As long as a balloon makes it to the other side of the furnace, regardless of whether it is caught or not, it counts! A player may not step into the furnace at any time! If a player does, the team must start over. To make the game more challenging for older children, you may tell them they cannot catch the balloons; they can only tap or bat them to each other.

What was the most difficult part of the game—not stepping in the fiery furnace or keeping your balloon out of it?

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego wanted to stay out of that super-hot furnace, but they were willing to be thrown in rather than disobey God! 

Read Daniel 3:16–18:

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if He doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up."

Let’s learn some more about obedience under pressure!