Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Sixth Grade helper to read scripture

Have a Sixth Grade helper look up Psalm 145:19, then read it at the appropriate time. 

In our Superbook video, Abednego was talking to Chris, Joy and Gizmo about how God was completely different from the idol the king ordered them to worship. Abednego said, “When we pray to Him, He hears and answers our prayers because He is real.” Think about that; we can pray to the one, true, living God who created everything. We cannot see God with our eyes, but by faith we believe that He is real and hears our prayers.

Have helper read Psalm 145:19:

He grants the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cries for help and rescues them.

To fear God means that we have tremendous respect and admiration for Him. We love and admire Him so much that we want to obey Him in everything. The three Hebrew men feared God more than the king. When we choose to serve and worship God in this world above anyone or anything, God draws near to us and hears every word we speak to Him.

What do you need help with today? Do you believe that God is able and wants to save you? Do you believe that He hears you? Let’s take a few minutes now to find a place in the room to pray with God, alone. Take your desires to Him today.

Give children time to pray alone and then close with prayer: Dear God, though we cannot see You with our eyes, we see You by faith as the Hebrew men did. We believe You are real and will answer our prayers today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.