Leader Guide

SuperVerse Game

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Find the SuperVerse Cards 
  • Scissors
  • Optional: cardstock
  • Chalkboard and chalk, or poster board and marker

Write the SuperVerse on the board.

Make copies of the SuperVerse Cards on paper or cardstock, one set per three children.  

Cut apart the individual SuperVerse Cards and put them all in a single pile.

Shuffle all of the cards together and place face-down in a pile on the floor.

Say the SuperVerse aloud with the children. Divide the class into teams of two or three children each, depending on class size. Each team will send one child to search through the pile for one SuperVerse card at a time to take back to their team. The other players will assemble the cards in the correct order as they are brought to them. The first team to assemble their cards in the correct order and shout the SuperVerse wins. Play until all teams have assembled their set of SuperVerse cards and shouted it aloud. For additional rounds, you may wish to place two or three piles of cards in different locations of the room.

Nice work finding the cards you needed to complete the SuperVerse! Let’s remember the Hebrew men’s bold example of how we are to stand up for God and trust Him in difficult situations. God is able to save us no matter what temptation, situation or difficulty we find ourselves in.