Leader Guide

Word Search

Make copies of the Fiery Furnace Word Search, one per child plus extras.

Hand out a Bible, pencil, and Fiery Furnace Word Search sheet to each child. Have them use their Bibles to find any answers they don’t know from Daniel 3. Show the children how to find and then circle answers on the sheet. Be ready to assist children as necessary with using their Bibles or finding the words in the puzzle.       

Answer Key

1. Nebuchadnezzar / The Babylonian king.

2. Meshach / Hebrew man’s name starting with “M”. 

3. Shadrach / Hebrew man’s name starting with “S”.

4. Abednego / Hebrew man’s name starting with “A”.

5. Gold / The material the statue was made of.

6. Furnace / This was made seven times hotter.

7. Four / How many men the king saw walking in the fiery furnace.

8. Smoke / The men didn’t smell like _____ when they came out of the furnace.

9. Worship / The Hebrew men would not _____ the statue.

10. Save / The Hebrew men believed God was able to ____ them.