Leader Guide

Bounce Game

  • Ten large plastic cups, disposable party cups
  • Hot glue gun and glue stick, or white school-type glue
  • Poster board or any pieces of cardboard
  • Two ping pong/table tennis balls
  • Permanent black marker    
  • Table  
  • One assistant 
  • Timer: clock/watch with second hand, stopwatch, timer app

Cut the poster board in half, lengthwise.

Using the marker, write a number on the outside of each cup as follows: number 1 on four cups, number 2 on four cups, and number 5 on two cups.

Glue the bottoms of five cups to each poster board in the order shown in the illustration.

Place the two boards with cups glued in place on the table—see illustration.

Divide the class into two teams. They do not need to be even. Have each team stand at opposite ends of the table—see illustration. Have an assistant, such as a sixth grade helper, stand with one team at one end of the table and you stand with the other team at the opposite end. Teams alternate bouncing the ball on each round. Each player receives two chances to bounce the ball into a cup. The first player for Team One bounces a ball on the table between the two sets of cups to try and get it to land inside a cup on the opposite end. Points are added together for that player’s total score. The player from Team Two takes a turn in the same way. The teams only receive these points if they answer the review question correctly.     

Now, ask the same question to both players. Both players get five seconds on the timer to tell the assistant or teacher their answer, without the other player hearing it. Both answers are revealed and if correct, both teams are awarded the points they scored from the ball bounce. If an answer is incorrect, no points are scored for that team. If a player did not bounce a ball into the cup but answers the question correctly, they receive one point.

Optional: for Grades 1–3, you may have the children try to toss the balls directly into the cups without bouncing them.

Questions and Answers

1. Name one of the Hebrew men’s names. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

2. Name the King of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar.

3. What did the king build to worship? Idol, statue.

4. What was the material the statue was made of? Gold.

5. How did the people know when to worship the king’s statue? Instruments/music played.

6. What was the punishment for not worshiping the statue? They would be thrown into the fiery furnace.

7. Why was the king angry with the three Hebrew men? They would not worship the statue.

8. Who did the three Hebrew men worship? God.

9. True or False—the Hebrew men told the king that if God would not save them from the furnace, that they would worship the statue. False.

10. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said they would not worship the king’s statue or serve his _____. Gods.

11. Who did the Hebrew men say could save them from the furnace? God.

12. How much hotter was the furnace heated than normal? Seven times.

13. What did the king order to be done to the three Hebrew men before they threw them into the furnace? Bound or tied up.

14. What happened to the king’s men who threw the three Hebrew men in the fire? They were killed by the heat.

15. How many men did the king see in the fiery furnace? Four.

16. Who was the fourth man? Jesus, the Son of God, God.

17. True or False: the men came out of the furnace with their clothes smelling like smoke and fire. False.

18. Did the fire burn the Hebrew men’s hair? No.

19. What is the SuperTruth today? Jesus is always with me.

20. Today’s SuperVerse says that Jesus is always with us even to what? The end of the age.

21. Name the book of the Bible where our story can be found. Daniel.

22. Is the book of Daniel in the Old Testament or the New Testament? Old Testament.