Leader Guide

Coloring Activity

Copy the Octo-Giz Coloring Page, one for each child plus extras.

Can someone say today’s SuperTruth from memory? “God enables us to do great things.”

Great! Let’s all say it together. “God enables us to do great things.”

Give a coloring page and crayons, colored pencils, or markers to each child. Lead a discussion using the questions below as the children color their pages.

What is Gizmo doing in the picture? He is carrying Joy’s things that she needs to take to school.

If you remember our video from last time, what did Chris call Gizmo with all of his extra arms? Octo-Giz.

Does anyone remember what happened just a short time later to upset Joy? Gizmo slipped on a flyer that had fallen, and he threw everything into the air and on the floor. The plant pot fell on his head and broke into several pieces.

Have you ever had so much to do that you didn’t know how you could get it all done? What did you do? Children discuss.

Who did Joy turn to for help after visiting Daniel in Babylon? Joy prayed and admitted to God that she didn’t know how she could possibly do everything she needed to do.

Yes, she then told Chris that she was sure God would help her just as He helped Daniel!

Conclusion: God listens to our prayers and will equip us to do great things! Sometimes we may attempt to do too many things at one time like Joy. When this happens, what should we do? Talk to our parents or teachers, pray and ask God to help us find a way to solve the problem.